[RO] Buna dimineata dragi cititori.

Este luna Octobrie si e una din lunile mele preferate ale anului pentru ca se va desfasura a doua editie Glamour Street Fashion show iar eu voi fi prezenta acolo sa descopar cea mai Glamour zi al anului intre orele 12:00 – 23:00. Pentru asta ii multumesc in primul rand Ioanei Chisiu pentru sansa acordata.

Suntem pe 19 Octombrie ora 8 dimineata si ma aflu in aeroportul Viennei, doar eu si o cana de cafea in fata mea. Toata noaptea precedenta am dormit doar 3 ore si eram foarte obosita. Trebuie sa recunosc ca am avut mari emotii sa vizitez pentru prima data Bucurestiul. …. Cu zambetul pe buze si cu castile in urechi (pe fundal Major Lazar - cold water) am pornit in aceasta calatorie pe care o asteptam de ceva vreme.


[EN] Good morning dear Readers.
The Octomber month, is one of my favorite months of the year that will be held the second edition of Glamour Street Fashion show and I will be present there to discover the Glamour day of the year between the hours of 12:00 to 11:00 p.m. For this chance I want to thank Ioana Chisiu.
We're on October 19 at 8 am and I am in the airport of Vienna, just me and a cup of coffee in front of me. I slept the whole night before only 3:00 and I was very tired. I must admit I was very nervous to visit Bucharest for the first time.



[RO] O prietena de familie (Camelia) ma astepta foarte incantata la iesirea din aeroport. Dupa ce ne-am imbratisat am pornit spre oras. M-as fi aventurat spre oras dar era deja ora 11, eu eram foarte obosita si nu imi doream altceva decat sa mananc si sa ma odihnesc.

[EN] A family friend (Camelia) was expecting me very excited at the airport exit. After we hugged we headed to visit the city. I would have ventured to town but it was, I was very tired and I wanted nothing more than to eat and to chill.

[RO] Mai spre seara am inceput sa ma pregatesc deoarece urma sa ma intalnesc cu fetele si cu coach-ul nostru “Ioana Chisiu”. M-am bucurat sa o revad pe Ioana, ultima oara ne-am vazut la Feeric Fashion Week.

Ioana s-a scuzat pentru intarziere: “Scuzati pentru intarziere, traficul e imens si a trebuit sa mai filmez ceva dar ma bucur sa va cunosc si va apreciez ca a-ti facut atata drum pentru a veni aici sa fiti prezente la Glamour street fashion show in Bucuresti in special pentru tine Teodora ca stiu ca nu e usor si ca drumul foarte lung pana aici” va multumesc… “

Cu mare drag! …

Dupa 1 pahar de vin rosu si multe povesti despre ce va fi maine la competitie-eveniment, ni s-a spus sa nu avem emotii. S-a facut ora 12 noaptea. Privesc afara si o vad pe Grama Ioana (blogger) a sunat inainte ca va veni sa ne vada si sa stea cu noi la un pahar de vin.

[EN] At the evening I started to getting ready and to get dressed because I’ll meet the girls and our coach "Ioana Chisiu". I was glad to see again Ioana last time we saw each other was at the Fashion Week. (Sibiu)

Ioana apologized for the delay: "Sorry I'm late. The traffic is huge and we had to stop filming something but I'm glad to meet you and will appreciate that you have done all the way to come here to be present at Glamour Street Fashion Show in Bucharest especially for you Teodora I know it's not easy and that very long way up here, "thank you ..."

“You are welcome”! …

After one glass of red wine and many stories that what will be tomorrow at the wevent and competition, we were told not to have emotions. ... Time passes it's 12 o'clock at midnight. I look out and I see Ioana Grama (blogger) she called us and say that she will come to see us and stay with us for a glass of wine.




[RO] E a doua zi in Bucuresti, ma pregatesc sa plec mai repede cu cateva oare la Evenimentul Glamour, pentru imi a vedea colegele si concurentele cum se lasa machiate si coafate de echipa MAC de la Cluj Napoca.
[EN] It's the second day in Bucharest, getting ready to leave quickly as a few really Glamour Event, for my team girls and competitors to see how will be there makeup and styling from the  M.A.C team. (Cluj Napoca)
[RO] Dupa ce toate 94 de fete au fost machiate si pregatite, a inceput defilarea . Dupa ce a prezentat fiecare ambasadoare echipa ei si dupa ce am defilat, jumate din eveniment a si trecut. Colega noastra, Alexandra Totolici a ocupat locul 10 (felicitari!) Dupa ce am facut mii de poze si un live pe Facebook ne-am luat un pahar de prosseco sa toastam toate impreuna.
[EN] After all 94 girls were wearing the perfect make-up and outfit, the parade began. After each ambassador presented her team and after we marched, half of the event was finished. A girl from my team (Alexandra Totolici) managed the tenth place (congratulations!) After we taking thousands of pictures and a Facebook live we took a glass to toast prosseco all together.

[RO] Privesc in dreapta si vad o fata cunoscuta...Alina Ceusan. (Blogger)

Of course, am fugit la ea sa o salut si sa facem niste poze. Cateva persoane cunoscute pe care am avut ocazia sa le cunosc sunt Gabriela Atanasov si Ana Morodan, Liviu Teodorescu, Larisa Costea, Laura Ciurcanu, Sanziana Negru (fara poza), pussinglam … In concluzie, nu regret ca m-am inscris in aceata competitie. Am avut o experienta foarte frumoasa.


[EN] I was so curious so I looked to the right and left side I saw a familiar face ... Alina Ceusan. (Blogger)

Of course, I ran to greet her and to take some pictures. Some famous people that I got to know are Gabriela Atanasov and Ana Morodan, Liviu Teodorescu, Larisa Costea, Laura Ciurcanu, Sanziana Negru (no picture), pussinglam ... Finally, I do not regret that I joined in the Track competition
[RO] Multi oameni in jurul meu. Un feeling minunat. Mancare si muzica ok. Si desigur o sa ma inscriu si la anu in 2017. (Ultima poza de la petrecerea Glamour)

[EN] Many people around me. The feeling was amazing. The food and the music of course too. And of course I'll sign next year in 2017.


[RO] In ultimele 2 zile in Bucuresti am incercat sa vad cat de cat Bucurestiul ziua si noaptea. M-am plimbat cu autobuzul cu 2 etaje, care mi-a adus aminte de Viena. Dupa ce ne-am pozat si cu Maurice de la “Bravo, ai stil” si cantareata Ana Lesko ne-am dus la un concert rock unde avea loc in aier liber (Iris). Dupa ce sa facut 12 noaptea ne-am indreptat spre casa. Ultima zi in Bucuresti am facut doar bagajele si o scurta oprire la shopping.


[EN] In the last 2 days in Bucharest I tried to see how much it was possible of Bucharest, day and night. The bus with 2 floors which reminded me of Vienna he brought me through everything to visit the capital of Romania. After we posed with Maurice from "Bravo, you have style" (Tv Show) and singer Anna Lesko we wen to a 'rock concert (Iris). After two hours we walked home. The last day in Bucharest. I did just the luggage and we had a break at the Mall. (Shopping)






 That's what I can call a perfect flight! (food & wine)


#tsgoestobucharest #tsgoestoromania



[RO] Multumesc pentru ca a-ti citit si aceasta experienta din viata mea !
Va astept la un nou articol pe blog, xoxo
[EN] Thanks for reading an another experience of my life!
I expect a new blog post, xoxo


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